ULI Charlotte: City of Charlotte's TOD Symposium Series - Setting the Stage for TOD in Small and Big Cities


2021-05-20T13:00:00 - 2021-05-20T14:30:00

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    Transit-oriented development (TOD) occurs in various forms and different contexts. This session will explore how regional partners and stakeholders can work together to leverage transit to support community goals. Panelists will share experiences on how transit can enhance, celebrate, and preserve the places transit serves. This session will cover TOD policy, regulatory, and partnering tools that communities can use to proactively manage change arising from transit and TOD investments. The session will also touch on practical TOD strategies to consider in the post-pandemic realities.
    • Chessy Brady, TOD Manager, Denver RTD (Regional Transportation District)
    • Kimber Lanning, Founder & Executive Director, Local First Arizona
    • Wyatt Dixon, Founding Partner, Proffitt Dixon
    • Sam Sargent, Director of Program Strategy, Austin Transit Partnership
    Click Here for webinar recording.